
Seven friends are getting away for a weekend in the country - only six are coming back.
A group of seven sharp-minded English school leavers spend the weekend in a remote country house making their own horror video.
The horror, an impossibly ambitious Celtic fantasy, drifts from hilarity, to argument, to accusation as some members suspect others of feeding intimate details from their lives into the script. As they bicker on, the gap between self and character closes, in a disturbing foreshadowing of later events.
At the end of a day's filming, the group decides to brighten the atmosphere with an acid-inspired initiation. They record - in video-journal style - each other's secret dreams and fears.
Later in the night, a tragic accident occurs, forcing each one to enter a world beyond their experience.
While outwardly the group combats the world with a precocious knowledge, there is a deep underlying wariness, like the world has been used up, and that their generation must now make something of the dregs.
This is not the 60s generation - with their simple hopes for peace and love. This is a worldly generation of self-analytical realists who can't help but see the law and other social structures breaking down around them.