In line with the New Zealand Government’s shift to COVID-19 Alert Level 4 from midnight on Wednesday 25 March 2020, the New Zealand Film Commission (NZFC) staff in Auckland and Wellington will be working from their homes at least for the next four weeks. We remain available to support you, and totally committed to serving the needs of the screen industry. We had already prepared and trialled for this possibility so that we can be as productive and efficient as possible.
Our office hours remain 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday and we are fully open for business. You can email any staff member by using our email address format – firstname.surname@nzfilm.co.nz. If you do not know the email address or who in the staff you would like to speak to, please email info@nzfilm.co.nz and we will connect you with the right staff member. To schedule a meeting or conference call with a staff member over this time, please either contact them direct or email info@nzfilm.co.nz.
All funding opportunities remain open and available over this period, except for the International Travel Grant programme. Please prepare your funding application as usual and any issues arising from the COVID-19 situation will be reviewed at the different milestone dates (e.g. funding decision, start date, etc).
These are challenging times. If you are concerned about any aspect of your engagement with the NZFC over this period, please let us know. By working together we will best protect the safety and wellbeing of everyone in our industry and wider community.
Meanwhile, please continue to keep yourselves and each other safe. Remember to be kind, and we look forward to when we can resume normal business.
Kia Kaha.