Join CEO Annabelle Sheehan, Head of Development and Production Leanne Saunders, Head of Marketing Jasmin McSweeney and Moderator Molly Littlejohn for a live webinar on Wednesday 16 December.
The panel will update on the Screen Sector Recovery Funds (Te Puna Kairangi Premium Fund, Capability Fund and Screen Production Recovery Fund) and the new data room on the NZFC's website.
The NZFC will also cover any unanswered questions received from the Big Screen Symposium panels regarding the Te Puna Kairangi - Premium Fund and the NZFC presentation as well as any other arising questions you may have.
How to join the Q & A
Join the event here at 5pm on Wednesday 16 December.
- This will open a new tab in your browser
- Click 'watch on the web' instead
- If you have a Microsoft account, sign in; if not, attend anonymously
To ask a question, click 'Ask a question' in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Enter your name and type your question.