Six students discover crime should be left to criminals.
A guide to student life:
SCARFIES/; scarf-ees/ n. - local slang for students at Otago University. Dunedin - Southernmost University in the world.
DUNEDIN/; dunnee-din/ n. - University town in New Zealand. Home of the guitar-based 'Dunedin sound', the legendary Otago rugby team and 16,000 scarfies.
SQUAT/; skwat/ n&v. - An abandoned house coveted by the financially challenged (ie. poor scarfies). Attractions: Free rent; free power; freedom.
MARIJUANA/; marawana/n. - An illicit substance found growing in the basement of a certain Dunedin squat.
DEAL/; de-el/n. - An illegal way to make money from above substance.
CHAOS/; K-os/n. - What happens when five cash-strapped scarfies become amateur drug lords for a week.
LESSON/; less-on/n - That crime should be left to criminals.